Services Offered.


Chiropractic Care.

Chiropractors are extensively educated in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and management of spine, muscle and nervous system conditions and will recommend a course of treatment to help relieve pain and improve function without surgery or pharmaceuticals, such as manipulation, mobilization, soft tissue therapy, exercise, education, modalities (i.e. ultrasound or laser) and rehabilitation. Chiropractors are also trained to provide nutritional counselling, as well as recommend injury prevention strategies.

Specific training in spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) allows chiropractors to provide adjustments using highly-skilled and precise movements to the vertebrae of the spine, correcting joint motion to restore proper movement and improve function. (This motion can be accompanied by an audible pop. When a joint is adjusted, an air bubble may escape from the joint capsule causing the popping noise, similar to cracking your knuckles.)

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

  • Improved movement in your neck, shoulders, back and torso

  • Better posture

  • Relief from headaches, neck and back pain

  • Prevention of work-related muscle and joint injuries

  • Enhanced athletic performance

  • Improved flexibility

  • Relief of pregnancy-related backache

  • Correction of gait and foot problems

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture.

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture uses a modern scientific understanding of the human body to redefine the mechanisms and effects of traditional acupuncture. Just like in traditional acupuncture, small, thin needles are placed in carefully selected points throughout the body and left in place for a duration of time (with or without manual or electrical stimulation).

By stimulating various nerve receptors in skin and muscles, the body releases various substances that lead to an increase in local blood flow which encourages tissue healing. Therefore, acupuncture has been shown effective in reducing pain locally (where the needles are inserted), reducing pain systemically (by affecting brain activity), inactivating myofascial trigger points, improving energy, calming the body, and promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture treatments may result in a temporary relief or disappearance of symptoms, and other times may result in permanent resolution of the dysfunction, especially when dysregulation of the nervous system is the underlying mechanism causing the pathology.

Physiotherapy Modalities.

In addition to hands on manipulation or mobilization, the doctor may employ a number of physiotherapy modalities or devices that deliver a sound wave or electrical current the injured tissues. These devices are used:

  • an adjunctive or assist to regular treatment or as a stand-alone treatment 

  • To relieve/reduce pain

  • improve healing

  • Reduce recovery time

Examples may include:

Low Voltage Electrical Stimulation:

Low Voltage Electrical stimulation uses an electrical current to cause a single muscle or a group of muscles to contract. By varying the settings Dr. Camilleri may achieve to increase muscle strength in weak muscles or fatigue or tire out muscles in spasm. This may also result in pain relief.

Along with increasing muscle strength, the contraction of the muscle also promotes blood supply to the area that assists in healing.


A TENS unit is a small battery operated machine that uses electrical stimulation  to decrease pain. By stimulating nerve fibers a TENS machine can interrupt the transmission of pain signals, thus reducing pain often for an extended period.

Dr. Camilleri may advise patients to purchase or borrow these units for patients in acute or chronic pain.

Laser Light Therapy:

Phototherapy is “a therapeutic physical modality, using photons (light energy) from the visible and infrared spectrum for tissue healing and pain reduction” as defined by the North American Association of Laser Therapy (NAALT). Also known as low level laser therapy (LLLT), cold or soft laser therapy, low energy laser therapy or laser therapy, the therapeutic light energy can be produced by either LED (light emitting diodes), SLD (superluminous diodes, or super bright LEDs),or low level laser diodes.

Mechanism of Action

Light energy penetrates through the skin and is absorbed by the mitochondria of cells of all types. Light energy is converted into bio-chemical energy, restoring normal cell function. This process may take up to 24 hours to complete.

Effects of Phototherapy/Laser

  • Increases Circulation and Angiogenesis

  • Reduces or Eliminates Acute and Chronic Pain

  • Reduces Inflammation and Swelling

  • Stimulates and Improves Nerve Function

  • Strengthens and Repairs Bone and Soft Tissue

  • Increases Mobility and Muscle Function

Conditions Treated with Phototherapy Based on the research and literature:

  • Arthritis (osteo and rheumatoid)

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain injuries)

  • Acute and chronic pain conditions (post operative, neuralgia, fibromyalgia or muscle tension/spasms)

  • Soft Tissue injuries, strains and sprains

  • Wounds (post operative, acute and chronic)

  • Swelling and edema

  • Inflammatory conditions (e.g. tendonitis, bursitis)

  • Bone fractures and orthopedic implants


Ultrasound uses a high frequency sound waves to penetrate the muscles to provide deep heat to affected areas.

The warming effect of the sound waves also increase circulation to the area that assists in healing and will decrease inflammation and scar tissue.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy is the use of hands on or instrumented treatment of the soft tissues including muscles, connective tissue and the fascia that covers the muscles.

Soft tissue techniques

  • Trigger Point techniques, or sustained pressure on a tender point relieves/relaxes tight/tender areas within muscle.

  • Myofascial Therapy targets the muscle and connective tissue systems, promotes flexibility and mobility of the body's soft tissues, mobilizes fibrous adhesions that can occur between layers of muscle and reduces the degree of  scarring caused by injury or surgery.

  • Myofascial therapy can be done by hand or using specially designed soft tissue therapy instruments


Static stretching can be done by the doctor or taught to the patient and attempts to lengthen tight muscles.

Dynamic stretching, done by the doctor is used to reduce tightness in a muscle or group of muscles.

Custom Orthotics

Not paying attention to your feet and improperly fitting shoes are responsible for most foot problems.

It’s important to understand that your feet and the foot/ankle complex play a vital part in supporting your body. Improper gait or the way your foot hits the ground may cause pain all the way up the body, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, pelvis and back pain.

Making sure that you wear proper fitting shoes and the use of either off the shelf or custom orthotics can help alleviate pain due to improper foot mechanics or gait.

Who can Benefit from Orthotics?

  • If you currently have foot/ankle/knee/hip or back pain.

  • If your work requires you to stand on hard surfaces i.e. concrete or tile floors

  • If your work requires you to wear protective footwear

  • You are an athlete

  • If you are over age 40

  • If you already have noticeable foot pathology for example, fallen arches, corns, bunions

  • If you have a leg length discrepancy, meaning one leg is longer than the other either from normal growth of if you’ve had a broken leg or foot in the past

  • If you have knee or hip arthritis

  • If you are diabetic

How Do Orthotics Help?

  • The orthotics optimize the way in which your feet contact the ground.

  • Provide better arch support which in turn provides better support for the rest of your body

  • By improving the way the joints in your lower body work, your muscles work more efficiently reducing fatigue